Winter is the time for (fake) tan.
Ok, I hold my hands up and admit that I'm not the most tanned person (massive understatement!) But I do like to have a little bit of a sun-kissed glow to make my skin look healthy and nice!
After mulling over whether to repurchase my Garnier Summer Body in light -medium (which i have done a review on and you can read here!) or to be more risky, and try a different brand, I opted to take the risk and bought this, Superdrug Skin Soft Gradual Tan in medium - dark.
Let me just start off by explaining that I am very pale and so I get medium/dark to speed up the process, you don't have to do this but I find that it works exactly the same as light - medium overall but in la ess amount of time.
Ok moving onto the review:
I showered and exfoliated removing all residue oils and tan from my skin so that I was fresh and ready for a brand new tan, I then rubbed a generous amount into my skin, covering all majorly, visible areas and not really being too fused about places I couldn't reach like my mid back because hey, no one see it during the day!
Because this is a gradual tan I had to wait a number of hours for it to come out against my skin and me being me, not thinking, I did this at 12am on a weekday and had to get up at 8am the following morning for uni. This was my downfall and I didn't have time to correct any mistakes before going to uni (not a morning person I cherish my sleep) and therefore ended up going into uni looking like I'd just fell into a mud puddle, even my face. It was DISASTROUS to say the least!
However this may have been because I applied it dip dab and thought it would come out perfect, WRONG. I should have put a less amount on and done it on a weekend giving good time to even out the kinks.
I waited for this tan to wash off and replied it lightly on my skin and then used my St Moriz instant spray tan over it. This time it came out beautifully, I cannot describe how good I looked and felt! I have never had a tan so strong and even and it lasted me days without even patching up.
I would definitely recommend this gradual tanner although maybe not as highly as I would recommend the Garnier Summer Body one because that is my ultimate favourite (and one I will repurchase when this one has emptied) if you're new to tanning maybe go for a light shade before taking on the big guns like I did, I made the mistakes so you don't have to! Haha.
This tan was £4.99 from Superdrug and the bottle is 250ml!
What's your favourite tan/tan routine? Let me know!
Alicia x