Skincare Alert!!! Neutrogena Visibly clear: Review.


As I am sure many of you are also suffering from, my skin is horrendous for break outs and I am very lazy when it comes to my skin I must admit. I like the idea of having a skincare regime but I just never get round to actually finding out what suits me and my skin best. I have combination skin (oily chin and nose area, dry everywhere else) and every time I buy a product it works fine on my cheeks but not on the oily areas and breaks them out so eventually I gave up and just used soap, that also started to dry out my skin and I figured I just couldn't win and gave up.

However, I was recently strolling around Boots (a UK drug store) in Liverpool and being as shallow as I am when it comes to products, found a cute pink packaging caught my eye, I just couldn't walk out of the shop without having bought it so i picked up the Neutrogena Visibly Clear Pink Grapefruit daily scrub and oil-free moisturiser and took them home to become my new facial care regime!

So far they have proven to be very good, at first they were breaking me out a little but they made my skin very soft and also made my skin look for awake and vibrant which has to be a good thing! After a week of using them my skin cleared up (with the occasional spot, nothings perfect!) and i was very happy! 

I am still using them now and will continue to do so until they run out, I am undecided as to whether or not I will repurchase to go for something different but if I do I will post it here and let you all know!

What are your skin care favourites? Let me know!

Alicia x
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