Nail Varnish of the week: Barry M Gelly in Blood Orange

I've been wondering whether or not to get my nails professionally (acrylic to be precise)done for a while now and since I'm on a student budget it's a tough decision between nails and food (just kidding!) So I decided on day that I would get them done and spoke to my flat mate about this, she is much more knowledgeable about it that me, and she told me that getting your nails done is all well and good but if you don't look after them properly before during and afterwards you run the risk of potentially ruining you nails and them not growing very fast or healthy looking for a long period of time after this. This brought me to the decision to not get my nails done after all as my nails grow fast, grow healthily and grow strong so I just decided to invest in some nail hardener  nail base and top coat and some nail varnish - since I wear a long of gold wrist jewellery I decided I would like a red nail varnish that looks very feminine/dangerous and I opted for Barry M's Blood Orange colour from the new "Gelly" range.

I was never previously a huge fan of Barry M as the brand always ravaged my nails, this may be due to the fact I never wore a base coat (which I now do) and since doing this my nails are fine with Barry M polishes! The Gelly range is very shiny and smooth on the nails and my first impressions were to love it's look! 

However, I'd like to start off saying that  do love this nail varnish but after only a day - of not doing much - the nail varnish started to chip and I find that I have to keep applying it every one or two days to my incredibly chipped nails. I don't know if this is something I'm doing wrong or? 

I love love loveeeee the colour and finish of the nail polish but I don't love the wear which is a shame, i wouldn't recommend it for long lasting but I would recommend it on its colour and shine. Hopefully I can find a red polish that lasts!

What are you favourite nail polishes? Have you ever had acrylic nails?? Let me know!

Alicia x
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  1. Aww,this color is sooo red nails.^^
    Maybe follow each other on BLOGLOVIN and GFC???
    Lovely greets Nessa
    My Blog

  2. Thank you so much for the follow.^^
    Follow you back on gfc and bloglovin #1.
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    Lovely greets and I hope you visit my blog again.;)

  3. Ooh that is GORGEOUS. Not so 'orange' but the red tones are perfect.

    Lela -


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