Sunday Summary #21


This past fortnight has gone so fast, I can hardly believe how quick its gone, like the rest of the year I suppose. I say the last fortnight specifically because I have had two weeks holiday from work and it just flew by but this is what i got up to...

Days off were spent in Huw's place of work, he works in a pretty laid back place so it was ok for me to go there and spend a day in the office where I got peace and quiet to blog from 9-5 rather than only having my spare time to do it after work. I kinda of got a taste of what it would be like to blog full time and weirdly I felt really professional having an office. The spare time have me chance to organise myself and my blog, I would spend 9am-1pm writing up blog posts and taking pictures for the posts, 1pm-3pm planning and getting ideas for new blog posts and then 3pm-5pm writing up and scheduling more blog posts and I would then take photos the next day. It was really quite fun!

Cold Weather I've really been stocking up on warmer clothes and warmer items for my home during October, I've really been noticing the change in the weather and to be honest I've been loving it, I love being able to snuggle up in my warm bed throws and cushions and just sip tea and light my candles without sweating buckets like I would have in the Summer. That so so cliche "I love to light my candles and snuggle up with a warm mug of tea and watch a film" but sometimes it really is nice to do that. I will definitely be buying some more homely items come pay day.

Social Networking I recently wrote this post where I put down easy and quick links to everywhere you can find me, my blog and my life and you can follow the things I do, social networking is something I find really helps my blog get out to potential readers and something I really enjoy using myself to find other blogs and inspiration so if you'd like to follow me on those site, click the link to read the post!

Love Alicia x

Why not also keep up with me and my blog on social media? Alicia Jade is also active on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Bloglovin'
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  1. I really like such personal posts :) And I love Your make up!


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